

Photo by u0412u0435u043du0438u0430u043cu0438u043d u041au0443u0440u043eu0447u043au0438u043d on Pexels.com Today I noticed something , The skin below my chin , Crinkled faster on stroking , And was slower on firming , The first lines of old age Finally made their appearance , Ah! there is a certain sadness , For, now I realise , I gained some experience… Continue reading REALISATION



Photo by Ricky Esquivel on Pexels.com Daddy was a voracious reader and had a huge collection of books in his library. He would often tell me not to sell or donate his treasure without reading each one of them, once he was gone. When daddy passed away, I picked one of his favourite books to… Continue reading DADDY’S TREASURE HUNT



Image Courtesy: Maksudur Rahman , Pexels The bridesmaids praised the bride’s beautiful wedding attire and jewellery. Mom proudly boasted that her daughter had a great taste and she chose everything very carefully for her own wedding. The girls expressed how smart and lucky their friend was. The silent bride looked up from her veil and… Continue reading CHOICE



Image Courtesy : Tirachard Kumtanom , Pexels I often thought why you had eyes only for me? Why was I so special for you? Was it something about me or something about you? Times change, they say.. You became me and I became you, And now I know… I haven’t ceased to be special, But… Continue reading TRANSITION



Image Courtesy: Mike Bird , Pexels He drifted away slowly while she talked, Drifted to his captivating world on his gadget, Drifted to be with his imaginary friends, Drifted to challenge the computers and to beat them at their own game, And just like that, another beautiful relationship lost its existence to virtual reality. Machines… Continue reading MAN Vs MACHINE



Image Courtesy : Iren Fedo , Pexels As the days went by, she realised that every thing was slowly melting away into oblivion. Her biases and prejudices, Anger and dislikes, Stubbornness and arrogance, Jealousy and hesitation, But she was most happy to see that finally her fear was melting away too…. Was she getting old… Continue reading FEARLESS



एक बाँध, हमने बांध दिया ,नदी पर बाँध , बांध दिया,ज़ुबान पर चुप्पी बांध दी ,एहसासों पे भी बांध लगा दिया । सारा जहान कभी अपना था ,हमने लकीरें उसपे बांध दी,लोग अलग होकर भी अपने थेहमने धर्म- जाति- भाषा में बांध दिया । बच्चे आज़ाद कभी घूमते थे ,मशीनों ने उनको बांध लिया ,और… Continue reading बाँध